Samhain 2022

It was a nice, rainy day this Samhain. A perfect day for horror films and spooky podcasts.
We carved turnips this year, rather than pumpkins. I’d wanted to do that since I learnt it wasn’t always pumpkins and this year was the year. Oh it’s so much easier to carve a turnip that a gigantic pumpkin. So much less stressful and disgusting. Plus, I made soup from the pumpkin this year.
I listened to some Unexplained (with Richard MacLean…Smith) while I made [terrible] brownies. I didn’t have any ‘butter’ so I made some bad substitution choices. Baking is not my thing, but these brownies were my legacy before tonight. They taste fine, but you’d better just get a straw.

Still no mushrooms in sight, but autumn has definitely taken most of the leaves. I had a nice moment of remembrance outside with a few birds that wanted to join in. I remembered those loved and lost, especially my beloved Sydney.
The rest of my family was very tired this year, so after a few movies, I lit some candles and sat near the darkened window to read some MR James.