Sailor Shikiori (Pro Gear Slim) Haruzora 春空
There isn’t much new to say about this pen because it has the same MF nib as the Dragon Palace version I have. It is a firm 14k nib, a short slim pen, and I love it.
This is to illustrate the colour differences, the updated nib design, and a point of contention over to the body of this version.
Updated Nib and Finial Anchor
Why they made this choice, I couldn’t tell you. It was so much more beautiful before. I suppose it’s just another way to cut costs. A complete shame since, of course, the price of the pen remains the same.
Body vs Grip and Cap
Another thing that bothers me is that, while the grip and cap are opaque, the body is semi-transparent. I assume this was a purposeful choice, but I don’t understand why.
Pictures of the Pretty Pen
Regardless, I use it often and I am a huge fan of Sailor pens. The Pro Gear Slim are wonderful, but I’ve yet to try one of their large size pens to compare. My third Sailor is a Pro Fit Light, which it the same size only with rounded finials.
Writing Samples
This sample were done with Van Dieman’s Pixie Parasols inside. I’ve since switched the ink because I found it to be too light.
You can’t talk me out of loving Sailor pens. I might be a flexible nib fanatic, but these firm nibs are just delightful to use. One day soonish, I’ll put up a review of the Pro Fit Light which has the EF nib (which I unabashedly adore).
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