Wheel of the Year


21 July

Ending this season by scanning all my instant photos in to the computer. Even made a post with all the pack film that I used back in 2014 when I still thought the medium would be around forever. Oh I miss it so much.

20 July

One little red rose came up.

19 July

Veles longing for adventure.

18 July

Bloodflower sprout.

17 July

I planted a lot of morning glories this year, and so far purple and pink have made an appearance.

16 July

(What’s the Story) Morning Glory?

15 July

Only one of the nasturtium plants ever sprouted, but it’s getting huge and flowering so I’m enjoying the yellow blooms.

14 July

I hadn’t been to the ocean in about three years despite living less than 5 minutes from the water.

13 July

A little head of lettuce coming up.

12 July

11 July

Strawberry progression continues!

10 July

Some water lilies that my mother picked for me during her time on the lake.

09 July

Grass pea.

08 July

Strawberry blossoms are still popping up.

07 July

We were supposed to take a four hour drive to a vet appointment today, but they called while we were on the road and cancelled. So we all went to the beach instead.

06 July

A ghost spider which caught a fly in the greenhouse. The plant is Euphorbia peplus which I’ve known as “cancer weed.” It is growing like crazy on the greenhouse floor. We usually get a bit here and there but this is more than I’ve ever seen. Glad the ghost spiders are enjoying it. Shame about the flies.

05 July

My poor honeywort! I’m surprised they’re flowering when they only grew as tall skinny little stalks!

04 July

The newest strawberries

03 July

The daisies my mother planted are blooming again! They’re so full and happy!

02 July

The yard is so colourful in summer.

01 July

White Rabbits!

And more foxgloves! This time, popping through a rhododendron.

30 June

This will one day be a Velvet Queen sunflower.

29 June

28 June

So many different shades of pink!

27 June

One of the many beautiful foxgloves.

26 June

The strawberries are really growing quickly! It feels so soon!

25 June

A whole family of lilies.

24 June

Calla Lily #3

23 June

Calla Lily #2

22 June

I took a lot of really nice pictures of the lilies and will probably be sharing all of them over the next week.

21 June

The Summer Solstice is upon us! Happy Litha!

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