Imbolc 2022

Imbolc, the coming of Spring. Usually one of my very favourite festivities. I enjoy cleaning out the old and welcoming the new. I look forward to thinking less and less about winter.
This year we were a bit preoccupied with our pup’s upcoming surgery but we managed to at least do a bit of cooking.
I tend to put the most effort in to the food part of the Sabbats, perhaps because I’m a Taurus. So this year I made three different vegan cheeses and then mixed them in to a lasagna.
The promenade to search for signs of spring brought to view the Hellebores and the ever growing Calla Lilies. The daffodils we have tried to uncover from the tree that fell in front of the house during January’s new moon. I am hoping they’ll come up soon.
It’s been a rough winter, but spring will hopefully come with fertility. I have plans for redoing the garden again. If I can bring myself to remove some things.
Hopefully Ostara will have us feeling more festive.