Lughnasadh 2021

White Rabbits, and the first harvest is upon us already!
I love to say goodbye to the year prior and welcome in the new future; and I love to harvest the ‘fruits of my labour.’ Only, this year, there wasn’t a whole lot to harvest. It’s been a weird one where 85% of my seeds did not sprout and I’m left with some sad lettuce and the hopes and dreams of an incredibly late blooming watermelon.
My Moringa trees are doing well, though; and my Delphinium is about to bloom! The tobacco absolutely impressed me and I did grow Gladiolas for the first time. So there are plenty of positives. (Oh! And all my Tulsi Basil has grown strong), but it’s making it rough to get to that goal of growing most of our food.
Come Mabon, I will have a solid plan how to redo the entire garden.

But, the festivities of Lughnasadh were still fantastic regardless of our lack of harvestable crops. It was my day to experiment with Bulgarian food, so I tried my hand at veganising баница (banitsa – a filo dough, yogurt and cheese pie-lasagna of sorts) and зелеви сарми (zelevi sarmi: stuffed cabbage). I would say the баница has potential, and you can’t go wrong with stuffed leaves of any sort. The next country cuisine to try is Botswana.
We also listened to flutey music and talked about what we’re all thankful for from the light half of the year. We’ll have to do tarot tomorrow because we just ran out of time, but we did manage to make new corn dolls for the year and burn last year’s outside and sit around the fire letting any and all hangups from the last year go upwards and onwards with the smoke.
I’m most thankful for having a home that’s really free of struggle in every way.

On to Mabon we go!