Ostara 2022

The equinoxes (equinoctes?) are so always just so welcome to me. The Spring Equinox officially brings about my favourite parts of the year, the time when things begin to bloom and planting can begin!

It is still cold here, though. We’d planned to begin cleaning and tilling the garden today, but it was just too rainy and cold. I can’t believe that I’ve gotten to a level when temperatures around 50F are too cold for me to want to do anything outside. I grew up in a place that is still barely above zero at this time of year.

We spent this Ostara welcoming the sun and these coming long days through song and food. I played my bowls (which looked delightful in their new cases) and sitar; and regaled everyone with tales of all I’m learning in my courses on Ancient Egypt while I cooked a great meal. Then we all played games and talked about what we will plant this year.

Not too many signs of spring as I would hope, but the daffodils are looking great; the foxgloves are going to be a force to be reckoned with; and the white lilac is budding all the way down the plant. I also found a collection of bones in the yard. I do not know what they are from other than that they are likely a leg from some critter.
I’m very excited to get to planting between now and Beltane. I think I may have created a problem by having too many seeds and not enough room, so I’ll need to narrow it down. This coming week should be warm enough to begin!