
22 September
The equinox is here! It is Mabon!
But, instead of spending the day out in nature, we came to the city and one of us became a citizen of a new country!

21 September
Today, I went all the way to Portland to get ready for the Citizenship Ceremony. While there, I found a very fun Neil Gaiman autograph at a very fun bookstore.

11 September
The blackberry harvest is basically complete for this year. Much was shared with the deer.

09 September
It has been a minute since a famous face inspired me to draw the same lines over and over again. But here we are. Congrats to this guy (and also apologies to him).

08 September
Tried to make some Panamanian Arroz con Tempeh. I’m reminded I should use capers more often in food.

03 September
Blue skies will soon be a rarity. The fog will roll in and won’t roll out for 6 months or so. Bring it on.

01 September
White Rabbits!
I’m helping my mother with a design for her kayaking event. She needed a wealth of local wildlife drawn. The osprey was my first show.

25 August
Did up a review for Vinta Piloncitos today. I love when I have the time and drive to make posts like that.